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M. Ashraful Kabir

Cage birds in Bangladesh covers a major role an unemployment status for the young and adult people. Finding cage birds were 16 in total belongs in the family Psittacidae 6, Passeridae 5, Phasianidae 3 and Columbidae 2. The productivity as well as its breeding performance was good and rearers getting more benefit from it. Nineteen different feeds were very nutritious during its rearing and all birds were graminivorous. Very less neglected diseases were found in cage birds. Only parrots prefer to take human cerelac and biscuit. Due to confined rearing all cage birds are not crossed with others so that its identity or pureline was mentionable.

Women Empowerment through Self-help Groups in Sheikan Locality, North Kordofan State, Sudan

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Nagwa I. Elnour , Maruod E. Maruod*, Elrashied E. Elkhidir and Elkhalil E. Breima

This study was conducted in Sheikan Locality, North Kordofan State, in 2012, The objective of the study was to address the role of self-help groups project in to supported by Sheikan development company, and to investigate women problems in accessing resources and services before the enhancement made by the project. The study also aims at studying the women access to resources and services after the project and to explore the factors leading to sustainability of rural women welfare and economic empowerment through the Self-help groups' activities. The study used clustered random sampling technique however 60 households were randomly selected. The discriptive analysis indicated that education level of the participant is higher than the non-participant women which was 83.3 % and 76.7 %, respectively. The results also showed that the benefit of training for Jubraka cultivation, goats restocking and village lighting were 66.7%, 30% and 3.3% respectively. It was founded that men and women equally share all production activities (50% for each). However, in the non-participants the men production activities were lower than that of women, 40% and 60% respectively. The results showed that the community management for marriage occasions involved: catering, water collection, food preparation, catering food, milling and wood collection. results found that non-participant men performed such activities in the range of 20% to 80% where women performed the same activities within the same range. On the other hand, the participant men performance ranged from 30% to 40% where women performance ranged between 60 to 70% . The results also indicated that 83.3% of participants and 70% of non-participants distributed income on their daily consumption items which include food, watering, diseases treatment and schools fees. Women spent small part of income (16.7%) on other items such as gold, assets and utensil. The results of the study revealed that the participating women own less numbers of livestock than the nonparticipant ones. Results of the study showed that 70% of non-participants suffer from malnutrition problems compared with 11.7% of participants. Also the participants suffer from difficult labour more than the nonparticipant.Also the results showed that 30% of non participants suffer from night blindness . The problems facing non-participant women include poverty, non-existence of health awareness and nutrition problems. The results showed that 65% of the participants thought that the financing amounts were not suitable and not enough for Jubraka cultivation. 60% of the participating communities determined that the financing amounts were suitable for goats restocking activity where it was shown that (75%) of the participants thought that the financing amounts were suitable for village lightening activity.

Invertase production by S. cerevisiae MTCC 170 using statistical tool Central Composite Design

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T. Shankar, P. Thangamathi and T. Sivakumar

Invertase producing yeast S. cerevisiae was obtained from MTCC. The optimal level of the key variables (orange peel, yeast extract and methionine) used to determine the effect of their interactions on invertase production using the statistical tool (CCD of RSM). The second-order quadratic model with the optimum conditions (orange peel - 4%; yeast extract - 0.5% and methionine - 0.5%). The nearness of the coefficient of determination (R2= 0.9948) to 1 ensures the satisfactory adjustment of the quadratic model to the experimental data. The maximum invertase production was calculated as 0.37 IU/ml.

Temporal Ecologic Adaptability of the Principal Vector of Malaria, Anopheles gambiae s.l. (Diptera: Culicidae), in North-central Nigeria

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Olayemi IK*, Ande AT, Ukubuiwe AC, Odeyemi MO, Ibemesi G and Emmanuel R

The need for a better understanding of vectorial epidemiology of malaria transmission in North-central Nigeria, a pre-requisite for effective control, informed this study. The study elucidated seasonal dynamics of biobehavioural ecology of the principal vector of malaria in the area, i.e., Anopheles gambiae s.l., in relation to the species potentials for disease transmission. Adult female mosquitoes were collected bi-weekly, from locations typical of the ecotypes of North-central Nigeria, using all-night human landing catches. Mosquito collections were made both indoors and outdoors during the seasonal periods identified namely, dry, transition and rainy seasons. The wing length of the mosquitoes was measured as a proxy for adult body size. Immature Developmental rates and insecticide susceptibility of the mosquito species were evaluated during the peak of each seasonal period, following standard WHO procedures. Significant (P<0.05) seasonal variations in vectorial attributes were exhibited by An. gambiae in the area. The species was most abundant in the rainy season and least encountered during the dry period. While the mosquitoes were significantly exophagic during dry and transition seasons (56.22 and 63.50% respectively), they showed no such locational feeding preference during the rainy season. Analysis of hourly biting density of the mosquitoes indicated that they were not active during the first half of the night (i.e., 1700 – 2400hrs), both indoors and outdoors, during the transition season. However, while outdoor human biting activity was most intense during the early part of the second half of the night (i.e., 2400 - 0300hrs)in the rainy season, indoor hourly biting density varied within narrow limits in the dry season. While, immature survival rates were generally high (>80%) and insignificantly different (P>0.05) in all seasons, duration of development ranged significantly from 9.40±2.45 days in the dry season to 11.20±2.67 days in rainy. Also, significantly smaller mosquitoes (mean wing length = 2.94±0.36mm) were encountered in the dry season. The adult mosquitoes were susceptible to permethrin insecticide in all seasons, unlike the larval stage that indicated potential resistance during transition and rainy seasons. The findings of this study revealed that seasonal influence plays significant roles in vectorial dynamics of malaria transmission in North-central Nigeria, thus, providing requisite information for fine-tuning malaria vector control strategy for year-round optimum efficacy.

Temporal Variatiton in Fish Species Abundance in Relation to Gear Selectivity, in Tagwai Lake, Minna, Nigeria

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Chukwuemeka VI*, Ibrahim RT, Erhabor OF, Ayanwale AV, Falusi FM and Abdulsalami H

The need for cost-effective fishing in in-land fresh water lakes informed this study, which assessed the abundance of fish species in relation to vulnerability to fishing gears in Tagwai Lake, Minna, Nigeria. Three types of gears namely, cast net, gill net and hook-and-line, were deployed in the lake during 16 consecutive weeks for collection of fish samples. The results indicated the presence of seven fish species, in order of decreasing relative abundance: Tilapia zilli > Auchenoglanis occidentalis > Tilapia galilaea > Clarias gariepinus > Alestes lesciscus > Bagridae chrysichthys > Mormyrus rume. While, the Tilapia species and A. lesciscus were vulnerable to cast and Gill nets, M. rume was collected only by the former type of net gear. Likewise, the Cast net was the only gear sensitive to A. occidontalis, B. chrysichthys and C.gariepinus. The Cast net was by far the most productive gear, with six fish species and >90% of all specimens collected, while hook-and-line yielded no catch. The dominant species in cast net collections was T. zilli (41.13%) while, that of Gill net was A. lesciscus (61.61%). Temporal distribution in fish abundance within and among the species varied significantly (p<0.05), with most species reducing significantly in abundance after the 10th week of specimen collection. Cross-correlation analysis revealed strong positive associations, especially, between the Tilapia species and with C. gariepinus (r>0.60). the findings of this study should fast-track cost-effective and sustainable exploitation of inland freshwater fishery.